Learning to Endure

The road towards any goal is going to have inevitable setbacks. Those setbacks are just to be expected as a part of the process of expanding and growing as a person.
Being able to endure setbacks, and even embrace them as lessons, will go a long way towards making the process of achieving your goals faster and easier.
When we deny the setbacks, we also deny the lessons they offer. If we resent these temporary road blocks, we create our own misery. This often begins with stories we tell ourselves about the way things “should be”.

Any person who sets out to achieve a goal will already have a story and a narrative in their mind making up how they want things to go, and how they feel things should work.
Any setback will challenge this story, so the key is to create a flexible story that can be challenged without falling completely apart. The key is in adjusting your sails so that no matter what is thrown at you, you can come back. Stronger and smarter about the process than you were before.
Within these lessons, you’ll learn what you’re made of! You’ll learn how quickly you can come back and whether you can come back with enthusiasm. You’ll learn whether the desire for the end goal is strong enough to carry you through the challenges that occur.

It’s okay for you to decide that the goal isn’t worth the strife, but be absolutely sure you’re not simply giving up because things got rough! Nothing worth doing ever came easy, and when you consider all the things you’ve done in your life, haven’t the really rewarding things you’ve accomplished all come with a bit of challenge?
Think of the stories you’ll be able to tell about the problems that arose, and how you solved them! This can be very motivating and inspirational to those around
you, as well, so your journey isn’t really just your own. There is a ripple effect that is important to consider as well.

It is a great thing to set goals and set about on the journey towards their achievement, so long as you’re aware that you’ll need flexibility to endure the hard times, and the motivation and momentum to bounce back and get back on the proverbial horse again!

There is no greater pleasure than achieving a goal, and when the journey there has allowed you to grow as a person, it’s an even sweeter ending.